Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Law Abiding Citizen

Law abiding citizen is a great movie. Its about a person going to war against a broken system.  Its the same way with ex felons trying to get a job really.  He begged for help from the prosecution and the judicial system.  Only after he started going at people did he get their attention.  He said, "Lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten." Now, I'm not advocating violence, but I think its sad that he had to go to those extents to get peoples attention.  Its only a movie, but people commit crimes against other people because they only wanted to provide. All I want is a job, and its impossible. What is really going on? How can a person 8 years past his last conviction not able to get a job? Im not applying for a job that even requires a degree (eventhough Im only 20 hours away). If I can't get a regular job, what is a degree going to do for me?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Well??

AmericasUnwanted: Well??: "Its no wonder the injustices keep going on because people refuse to speak their minds. One person has never made a change, but others won't..."


Its no wonder the injustices keep going on because people refuse to speak their minds.  One person has never made a change, but others won't pay attention unless you a celeb. go figure!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Contradiction

AmericasUnwanted: Contradiction: "I read an article that says that do not want felons to vote ever. Even after the debt to society has been paid, there are still people that..."

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them: "I read an article yesterday that was saying whether or not convicted felons should be allowed to vote EVER AGAIN. Mostly everybody that comm..."

AmericasUnwanted: What is America telling you?

AmericasUnwanted: What is America telling you?: "I read an article yesterday arguing if felons should be allowed to vote. Most people that have never committed a crime feel that felons sho..."

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them: "I read an article yesterday that was saying whether or not convicted felons should be allowed to vote EVER AGAIN. Mostly everybody that comm..."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Contradiction

AmericasUnwanted: Contradiction: "I read an article that says that do not want felons to vote ever. Even after the debt to society has been paid, there are still people that..."


I read an article that says that do not want felons to vote ever.  Even after the debt to society has been paid, there are still people that feel you should not have the right to vote.  Pay taxes, but don't vote? Take your money and don't respect your mind or opinion.  America hasn't evolved as much as people think it has.  Just because racism isn't on the surface, we feel we are moving forward.  What do you think the true blood Americans are saying now? Nine times out of ten, felons can't get a job so we can't pay taxes, and we wonder why we are in the mess we are in as far as the economy. A man with a C average in college ran the country, thats why we get an F overall as a country.

Monday, April 18, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them

AmericasUnwanted: Us vs Them: "I read an article yesterday that was saying whether or not convicted felons should be allowed to vote EVER AGAIN. Mostly everybody that comm..."

Us vs Them

I read an article yesterday that was saying whether or not convicted felons should be allowed to vote EVER AGAIN. Mostly everybody that commented at the bottom of the article said that they DO NOT feel that convicted felons should be allowed to vote.  What happened to paying the debt to society? The truth is finally starting to show. Paying the debt to society is just a phrase that is used for people that are getting locked up. The truth is that the debt is never paid.  When the regular people are making comments openly like this, imagine what the politicians are thinking.  One lady said that she did not want a campaign influenced by a felon. She stated that felons do not DESERVE the right to vote in this country ever again. Obviously, these comments are made by people that use different user names to protect themselves, but these are the things that are said behind closed doors and aliases. When people are on TV they say that right things. Its time to confront these people. With this issue, we are talking about voting, they didn't say anything about jobs.  For the felons that are employed they are required to pay taxes, but there are people saying that you shouldn't be allowed to vote.  Its the law to pay taxes, but people are voting for you to lose your right to vote! Listen to the message that America is sending to us: We want your money, not your mind, opinion, or vote. What happened to "All men are created equal", and "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness"? Maybe the fine print is "until you make a mistake". I must have missed that part. Guess I'm not American anymore. I must have lost my citizenship. Then again America is known for helping out the non American. Maybe then, I could go to school for free, get business loans, and become part of the melting pot that makes this country so great. I'm just saying.

What is America telling you?

I read an article yesterday arguing if felons should be allowed to vote.  Most people that have never committed a crime feel that felons should NEVER be able to vote even if you are not on parole or probation. Even after your so called debt to society has been paid. So is the debt to society ever actually paid? The people that are voting feel that you should not affect the outcome of the country that you actually live in and pay taxes on.  If this doesn't get your attention, I don't know what will.  In a nutshell, America doesn't want you to be an influence. I encourage people to take a stand and fight for your rights.  All men are supposed to be created equal and entitled to the pursuit of happiness. How can you be happy if you are not allowed to participate. If you do have a job, you are required to pay taxes to America, but America doesn't want you to vote on or about the taxes you pay. Its not rocket science. What is this country telling you?

Friday, April 15, 2011

What To Do Now????

How do you become part of a society that doesn't want you to be part of it anymore.  If you are a convicted felon in America, you understand what I am talking about.  If you are tired of dressing up for interviews to get turned down everyday then this is the place for you.  Lets share ideas and rise above the cycle that we are trying to get out of, but there are particular people they work day and night to keep us in it.  There is nothing "American" about keeping people out of a job force when they are trying to do the right thing and provide for their families.